Professor of Mechanical Engineering
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Haussner, T., Momenzedah, N., and von Lockette, P. (2021). “Effects of Volume Fraction on Particle Alignment Characteristics in a Magnetic Rubber Composite,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 539.
Momenzedah, N. and von Lockette, P. (2021) “Modeling and simulations of a novel magnetorheological peristalsis blood pump,” Proc. SPIE 11588, Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XV. Virtual, 115881L.
Bergen, C. and von Lockette, P. (2021) “Design of Magnetic Meso-Architectures for Improved Energy Transduction in a Peristaltic Mechanism,” Proc. SPIE 11589, Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XV. Virtual (presentaiton only).
Erol A., von Lockette, P, and Frecker, M. (2020) "Multi-objective optimization of a multi-field actuated, multilayered, segmented flexible composite beam," Smart Materials and Structures, 29:2,
Widdowson, D., Erol, A., Rodriguez, M.A., and von Lockette, P. (2020) "A Computational Framework for Predicting Properties From Multifield Processing Conditions in Polymer Matrix Composites." Proceedings of the ASME 2020 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. ASME 2020 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. Virtual, Online. September 15, 2020. V001T02A008.
Spencer, M., Lee, W., Alsaati, A., Breznak, C., Branco, R., Dai, J., Gomez, E. D., Marconnet, A., Von Lockette, P., & Yamamoto, N. (2019). “Cold sintering to form bulk maghemite for characterization beyond magnetic properties,” International Journal of Ceramic Engineering & Science, 1:3.
Breznak, C., & Von Lockette, P. (2019) "Particle orientation and bulk properties of magnetoactive elastomers fabricated with aligned barium hexaferrite", Journal of Materials Research, 4:20.
Breznak, C., and vonLockette, P. (2019) “Three-Dimensional Printing of Magnetic Data Storage Structures”, MRS Advances, .4:20.
Masud, Md. Al, Erol, A., Edson, C. , Ounaies, Z. von Lockette, P. (2019) "Towards complex microarchitectural composites using multi-field processing", Proc. SPIE 10968, Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XIII. Denver, Colorado, 109680G.
Ahmed, S. , Erol, A., Zhang, W., Hong, J., Ounaies, Z., von Lockette, P., and Frecker, M. (2019) "Towards the design of electric field driven self-folding gripper", Proc. SPIE 10968, Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XIII. Denver, Colorado, 109680P.
Erol, A., Ahmed, S., Ouanies, Z., and von Lockette, P.R. (2019) “A microstructure-based approach to modeling electrostriction that accounts for variability in spatial locations of domains”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 124.
Butler, J., Bowen, L., Wilcox, E., Shrager, A., Frecker, M., von Lockette, P., Simpson, T. W., Lang, R. J., Howell L.L., and Magleby, S.P. (2018) “A Model for Multi-Input Mechanical Advantage in Origami-Based Mechanisms”, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic, 10:6.
Breznak, C. von Lockette, P. (2018) "Three-Dimensional Printing of Magnetic Data Storage Structures", MRS 2018 Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Materials Research Society. Boston, MA. BM01.03.05.
Watson, N, von Lockette, P. (2018) "Deposition Controlled Magnetic Alignment in Iron-PLA Composites”, in Proceedings of the 29’th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society. Austin, TX, 092-10.
Erol, A., Frecker, M., von Lockette, P. (2018) “Multi-field, Multi-layer, and Segmented Composite Beam Optimization for Shape, Work, and Cost”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE). Pittsburgh, PA. IMECE2019-89910.
Erol, A., von Lockette, P. (2018) “A Microstructure-Based Modeling Approach for Electrostriction in Relaxor Ferroelectrics”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE). Pittsburgh, PA. IMECE2019-89912*.
Masud, M.A.A., Ounaies, Z., von Lockette, P. (2018) “Multi-Field Processing of Micro-platelets for Magneto-Active Applications”, in Proceedings of the ASME 2018 Conference on Smart Materials Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. San Antonio, TX, SMASIS2018-8080.
Erol, A., von Lockette, P., Frecker, M. (2018) “Parameter Study of a Multi-Field Actuated, Multilayered, Segmented Flexible Composite Beam”, in Proceedings of the ASME 2018 Conference on Smart Materials Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. San Antonio, TX, SMASIS2018-8215.
Cowan, B., von Lockette, P.R. (2017), “Fabrication, characterization, and heuristic trade space exploration of magnetically actuated Miura-Ori origami structures”, Smart Materials and Structures, 26:4.
Bowen, L., K. Springsteen, S. Ahmed, E. Arrojado, M. Frecker, T. Simpson, Z. Ounaies, and P. VonLockette (2017), “Design, fabrication, and modeling of an electric-magnetic self-folding sheet”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 9:2.
Breznak, C. and P. VonLockette (2017), “Anisotropic Magnetic Fibers Produced via a Magnetic Drawing Process”, MRS Advances, 2:16.
Breznak, C. and P. VonLockette (2016), “Evolution of the magnetization response of magneto-active elastomers made with hard-magnetic M-type barium hexaferrite particles”, MRS Advances, 1:1.